Voronoi generation using the HighVoronoi Library

The following are examples to get a first impression of the functionalities of HighVoronoi. They do not represent the actual intention of use. For this we refer here

Getting Started...

You can write your first HighVoronoi code e.g. as follows:

function VoronoiTest(dim,nop)
    # create a random matrix of dim x nop entries
    # transform these into `nop` different static vectors of dimension `dim`
    return VoronoiGeometry(xs,Boundary())

The command Boundary() creates an unbounded version of $\mathbb R^{dim}$. This VoronoiGeometry only contains the nodes, verteces and neighbor relations, as well as information on verteces "going to infinity".

Bounded domains, volumes and interface areas

So let us make the following modification:

function VoronoiTest_cube(dim,nop,integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON)
    # create a random matrix of dim x nop entries
    # transform these into `nop` different static vectors of dimension `dim`
    return VoronoiGeometry(xs,cuboid(dim,periodic=Int64[]),integrator=integrator)


  • The parameter integrator tells julia wether and how to compute volumes of cells and areas of interfaces. VI_POLYGON refers to an exact trigonalization of the polytopes.
  • Boundary() has been exchanged for cuboid(dim,periodic=Int64[]), which in this case returns the simple cube $[0,1]^{dim}$. Remark: Unlike VI_MONTECARLO the algorithm VI_POLYGON will return finite volumes also for the infinite cells that are automatically created on unbounded domains like Boundary().
  • The last three lines cause julia to print the volumes of the 10 cells, the neighbors of each cell and the area of the respective interfaces. Note that some points have neighbors with values from 11 to 14.
Boundary planes can be neighbors

The numbers 11 to 14 represent an internal numbering of the 4 hyperplanes (e.g. lines) that define the cube $[0,1]^2$. In general, given a domain with $N$ nodes and $P$ planes, whenever a Voronoi cell corresponding to node $n$ touches a boundary plane $p$ this will cause a neighbor entry $N+p$.

Periodic Boundaries

The HighVoronoi package provides several possibilities to define boundaries of bounded or (partially) unbounded domains. It also provides the possibility to study periodic boundary conditions:

function VoronoiTest_cube_periodic(dim,nop,integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON)
    # create a random matrix of dim x nop entries
    # transform these into `nop` different static vectors of dimension `dim`
    return VoronoiGeometry(xs,cuboid(dim,periodic=[1]),integrator=integrator)


  • periodic=[1] in the cuboid(...) command forces the Voronoi mesh to be periodic in space dimension $1$. Note that the internal default is periodic = collect(1:dim), i.e. the grid to be periodic in all space dimensions. Our current choice has the following essential consequences.
    • No cell will have $11$ or $12$ as a neighbor, since these boundaries are now periodic.
    • Some cells n will have "doubled" neighbors, i.e. the same neighbor node appears twice (or even more often for e.g. periodic=[1,2]) in the array vd.neighbors[n]. This is since for only few cells it is highly probable, that one cell has the same neighbor both "on the left" and "on the right".

Recycle Voronoi data for new integrations

The following code first generates a Voronoi grid, simulatneously integrating the function x->[norm(x),1]. Afterwards, the volume and area information is used to integrate the function x->[x[1]]

data = rand(4,20)#round.(rand(dim,nop),digits=4)
xs = HighVoronoi.VoronoiNodes(data)

VG = VoronoiGeometry(xs,cuboid(4,periodic=Int64[]),integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON,integrand = x->[norm(x),1])

VG2 = VoronoiGeometry(VG,integrand = x->[x[1]],integrate=true,integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_HEURISTIC)

vd = VoronoiData(VG)

vd2 = VoronoiData(VG2)

Recycle Voronoi data for refined geometries

The following creates a VoronoiGeometry VG, then makes a copy VG2 and refines it with 20 points inside the region $(0,\,0.2)^4$.

xs = HighVoronoi.VoronoiNodes(rand(4,20))

VG = VoronoiGeometry(xs,cuboid(4,periodic=Int64[]),integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON,integrand = x->[norm(x),1])

VG2 = copy(VG)


vd = VoronoiData(VG)

vd2 = VoronoiData(VG2)

Store and load data

Data can easily be stored using the following

Geo = VoronoiGeometry(HighVoronoi.VoronoiNodes(rand(4,20)), cuboid(4,periodic=Int64[]), integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON, integrand = x->[norm(x),1])


the ending ".jld" is important as it indicates julia which data format to use. Retrieve this data later using

Geo = VoronoiGeometry("example.jld", bulk=true, interface=true, integrand = x->[norm(x),1])
integrands can easily be messed up...

The method does not store the integrand parameter to the file. However, due to bulk=true, interface=true the integral data is loaded from the file and must be properly interpreted by a potential user. This has drawbacks and advantages, as will be discussed in the Intentions of use.