Convex Hull

Use the following to compute the convex hull of the VoronoiNodes xs:

cv = ConvexHull(xs,"computing convex hull: "; nthreads=Threads.nthreads(), method = RCOriginal)
  • Note that only the following methods are available: RCOriginal, RCNonGeneral. Again, RCOriginal is faster and for nodes in general position (that means there are only $d$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ that generate one surface element) while RCNonGeneral can be used for nodes in non-general position.
  • nthreads will be initialized with Threads.nthreads() by default. If you want less threads, provide a positive Int64. You can set the string to "" in order to have only a progress bar.
  • length(cv) will give you the number of surface elements
  • cv[i] will then give you (sig,r,u) where sig is a list of generating nodes, r is a point on the plane equidistant to all sig and u is the outer normal of that plane.